Welcome to the
Burlington Amateur Radio Club
Chair: Rod Clifton VE3ISO
Vice Chair: Peter Schmidt VE3PXX
Secretary: Mark Richardson VA3OBO
Treasurer: Yves Isabelle VA3YVE
Membership: Rod Clifton VE3ISO
Education: Mike McArdle VE3KAH
Our Next Regular Meeting:
Tuesday April 8th
starting at 7:30 pm.
How to mount radios in your car.
Remember Hackspace
happens every other Tuesday !
See the groups.io discussion forum for further information.
Guests please contact the webpage for details.
HACKSPACE operates every Tuesday evening at ShoreAcres Bible Chapel at 7:00 pm .
Come out and see what knowledge and
social happenings are being generated.

AllStar is now on the
2m Repeater:
AllStar is a digital mode that any radio can access.
The VE3RSB AllStar Node is 542490.
Frequency:147.210 MHz
Offset: + 600 kHz Tone:131.8 Hz
Please visit the AllStar page to discover some of the features that AllStar can provide.
Click here for more information.
Stay in touch with a Net
The BARC Regular Wednesday Night Net
The BARC Regular Wednesday Night Net is at
7:30 PM on the VE3RSB System,
VHF Frequency: 147.210
Offset: + 600 kHz Tone:131.8
UHF Frequency:444.825 MHz
Offset: + 5 MHz Tone: 131.8 Hz
BARC Fusion Net is every Monday
8:00 p.m.
Connect through the repeater
VE3RSB-Room 61272
The BARC 220 Repeater
The 1.25 meter repeater is operational now.
Join in on the 220 Net Thursdays at 7:00pm
Tune to the repeaters and hear what the club has
been doing and the improvements to come.
See the Repeater page for frequencies.